Welcome to Karla's Adventurous Blog
Xochicalco Ruins in Cuernavaca I am from Baja, Mexico. I am the oldest of three siblings. I enjoy to travel, especially within Mexico. I moved to the San Diego in 1998, when I was 10 years old. I attended the Kindergarten located in our small town of Valle de las Palmas, Tecate, cannot recall the name of it. I attended Juan Dominguez Freire, located in the same town, from first to third grade. After that, I moved to Ensenada, Baja. I attended Alberto Correa for my fourth elementary school year. And finally, I moved to San Diego and attended Mason Elementary for the fifth grade. For middle school, I attended Wangenheim Middle School from sixth to eighth grade. From ninth to twelfth grade I attended Mira Mesa High and graduated in 2006. Right after graduation, I began to take college courses at Miramar, Mesa, and City community colleg...
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